There are concerns in many quarters and families in recent times about the declining drop in the quantity and quality of sperm in men. What is the cause?
This fact should scare us, especially the men; unfortunately, sperm health is rarely a matter of concern except when the red light appears. Men need good overall health; their reproductive organ needs special care and nourishment, which I’m going to outline here to help them keep them in near-perfect condition for their good health, joy, and happiness.
Where do we point our accusing fingers? This essay is aimed at addressing some of these issues and also sharing some helpful hints. especially on sperm-friendly nutrition tips.
Could this decline be a problem?
Yes, because if the trend is not halted now, many couples in the future will face infertility problems. No one knows the actual cause of the problem, why the sperm count in many men is falling precipitously, but some blame it on men resting their laptops on their laps, others blame it on cell phones in their pant pockets, while many say that the long sitting and driving and the heat generated from nylon pants may be a factor.
From a nutritional point of view, what we eat or do not eat is always the root cause of all health problems.
Accordingly, many studies have suggested that eating certain foods can harm sperm cells. while some foods are also beneficial as they increase sperm count.
- Processed meat
- Trans fat
- Soya products
- Pesticides
- High-fat foods
Processed meat includes all these well-packaged, nice-tasting luncheon meats: hot dogs, salami, bacon, and beef jerkies.
They are very tasty and can make anything taste better, but studies have linked their use to decreased sperm count and motility.
Recent studies reveal that excessive use of trans fat can affect sperm count and morphology.
Soya products naturally contain an estrogen-like compound, and a study in Boston shows that regular use by men may decrease sperm quality and count because of the estrogen content.
The adverse effect is because of some chemicals contained in pesticides that, when men are exposed to them, can alter sperm structure and function, thereby contributing to the degradation of human sperm quality.
- Diabetes
- Heart problems
- Obesity
- Chain smoking
- Alcoholism
Diabetics affect men’s reproductions in four ways, which include erectile dysfunction, ejaculation, structural changes in reproductive organs, and changes in semen qualities.
Studies have found that 59% of diabetic men have erectile dysfunction.
It is a known fact that poor health affects sperm count, and heart problems are not exception.
Research has shown that men who are overweight have an 11% lower sperm count and 39% less sperm altogether. This may be attributed to the fact that obesity is a forerunner to many health problems.
These three conditions lead to a high level of self-destruction as they are dangerous to health due to addictive substances that reduce moral restraints.
Many studies have revealed that omega-3 fatty acids in fish help boost sperm count and motility.
In a study that analyzed 250 subjects who ate a variety of legumes. Cereal, green leafy vegetables, and fruits had a good sperm count and motility compared to those who ate less.
Apart from the few mentioned above, plantains, okra, and ogbono seeds are good sperm-boosting foods.
The slogan that says “forget iron pills and eat plantains” to boost your blood level is not mere advice. but a timely and valuable piece of advice for your overall good health and energy boost.
Unripe plantains are loaded with vitamins and minerals that will help improve libido in men and their fecundity to produce quality sperm and count. This is attributed to its rich content of vitamin C and zinc, which help to keep the reproductive organs working at their optimum peak.
Nuts are packed and loaded with nutrients such as Omega-3 fatty acids, foliates, and anti-oxidants like vitamin ‘E, zinc, and selenium.
These nutrients are known to protect sperm from free radical damage and maintain the structural integrity of the sperm. They are sperm-friendly nutrients that assist hormone regulation and the development of healthy sperm.
No two people own a body; it’s a constant reminder that should awaken our consciousness of our responsibilities. This reminder should also stimulate an interest in knowing what is expected of us to do in order to keep the body and especially those vital organs in good working condition.
Another caption says tomatoes are a special gift to men for a healthy prostate gland. This is also advice for men to take advantage of abundant tomatoes that are not seasonal and are available all year round to protect their prostate gland.
It is important that we learn our responsibilities towards our health to enable us to assist the body very well.
The human body is built in a perfect form, and it is given to us at birth as a special gift to help us function effectively until we live our allotted lives here on earth. The only exception is those who are not fortunate enough to inherit a healthy body due to some unique individual biochemical reasons. but for others, we were given a perfect body at birth and only expected to protect, nourish, and maintain it in good health through good food and lifestyles.
In our bodies are trillions of cells organized as organs and systems with unique functions and precision that no computer can imitate.
As earlier stated, these specialized cells need to be sustained by their own nutritional chains of life to help them function at their best, but when these expectations are not met, seeds of health problems are planted, which over time will be nurtured by repeated mistakes until the cells start ailing, and this is the genesis of all health problems.
The primary causes of health problems are deficient nutrition and unhealthy lifestyles. If these facts are well understood, then our concern will be focused on knowing our responsibilities in sustaining the body in good health.
The nutritional needs of men are bountifully provided for in nature, such as in cereals, grains, pulses, fruits, and vegetables, with signature tones as a guild. For example plantains, cucumbers, avocados, akra, and all other slimy foods such as ogbono seeds, ewedo, [Amaranthus] garlic, ginger, and all green vegetables with the exception of lettuce.
Plantain is the number one man’s friend. Plantain, with its rod-like shape, is the number one man’s friend for boosting sperm count and motility and maintaining the male reproductive system in good condition.
Green plantain is most helpful for this purpose. Many research findings have proven that consuming moderate quantities of unripe plantains enhances men’s reproductive functions.